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Limavady Central Primary School, Limavady
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News - Primary 4 NMcC

19th Jun 2024
Primary 4 were evacuated as part of their World War 2 topic. They had fun making...
21st Mar 2024
Primary 4 had a fun filled space themed day to finish off their world around us topic....
8th Mar 2024
P4 do weekly activity based learning. This half term a lot of our activities are...
30th Jan 2024
P4 celebrated History Day learning all about the history of space travel and facts...
25th Jan 2024
We had a great turn out at our Parental Involvement in Numeracy (PIN) workshop. The...
24th Nov 2023
P4 McCollum always look forward to their Friday activity based learning. This week...
24th Sep 2023
Primary 4 had their final visit to the town library this week. They have had 3 visits...
24th Sep 2023
Primary 4 have been enjoying their weekly activity based learning sessions based...

2022/2023 School Year

8th Jun 2023
Primary 4 took advantage of the nice weather and took their learning outside. They...
8th Jun 2023
Primary 4 were evacuated from school this week as part of their World War 2 topic....