Accelerated Reader
All pupils from Primary 4 to Primary 7 participate in Accelerated Reader, a computer software package designed to engage pupils, motivate reading for pleasure and improve reading progress.
One of the many benefits of AR is that it allows for personalised learning targets to be set up and progress to be easily monitored. This means that each child can read at their own level of ability and choose books they will enjoy and be able to read independently. This also means every child will experience success as they progress towards their personal target. To encourage pupils and in order to reward their efforts, we offer awards throughout the year, ranging from bookmarks and pencils to our exciting AR Target treat days and of course, our AR Millionaire Award, for pupils who have read over a million words over the course of the school year.
To access your child’s Accelerated Reader information at home, please follow the link and sign in with your child’s AR log in: