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Limavady Central Primary School, Limavady
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Off we go to the vets - P.1.S. Visit to All Creatures Vets Surgery

23rd Apr 2024

As part of our Pets and Vets topic, Primary 1 had an amazing visit to 'All Creatures' Vets Surgery. April the Vet talked to us about her job and showed us the equipment she uses to look after all the animals who come to the vet.

We had so much fun exploring all the different equipment at the surgery. We listened to our heartbeats using real stethoscopes, had a go at bandaging up the toy animals and we even tested out our surgery skills by using forceps to remove tiny peas from jelly!

We got to meet a gorgeous nine week old Golden Retriever puppy called Ruhn, who loved being stroked by the children - he was so relaxed and calm. We also met John the three-legged cat, who had a sore ear. We all hope that John feels better soon!

The children really enjoyed their visit and we now have a class full of budding vets. We'd like to extend our thanks to April and the team at 'All Creatures' who hosted us and gave the children such a fantastic learning experience.